
SANTA PAULA : City OKs Budget of $11.9 Million

The Santa Paula City Council this week approved a one-year budget, shying away from a two-year spending plan that would have left the city with a $600,000 deficit.

The council approved the $11.9-million budget for the current year and asked the city administrator to come back with a whittled-down plan for 1994-95.

“I just can’t see going into the next year with that kind of deficit,” Councilwoman Robin S. Sullivan said.


Last week, the council postponed making a decision on the two-year budget, saying it was not prepared to pass a spending plan that put the city in the red.

Sullivan, Mayor Margaret Ely, Mayor Pro Tem Wayne Johnson and Councilman John A. F.Melton voted in favor of the one-year budget.

Councilman Al Urias cast the lone dissenting vote. “Nobody wants a deficit,” Urias said, “but we need something to work with.”
