
Business Group Opposes School Choice Initiative

Fearing further deterioration of public education, the Valley Industry and Commerce Assn. on Monday came out against the controversial school choice initiative that would give parents tax-funded vouchers to help send children to private and parochial institutions.

Acting on the recommendation of its education and state issues committees, the group’s board of directors voted strongly to oppose the initiative, which is scheduled for the statewide November, 1994, ballot. But in its resolution, the group said it supports choice among public schools and reaffirmed its commitment to the LEARN proposals, which aim to decentralize the mammoth Los Angeles Unified School District.

“We didn’t want a ‘no’ vote on the voucher initiative to be perceived that everything is hunky-dory with the schools,” said Sandra Klasky, co-chair of the Valley Industry and Commerce Assn.’s education committee. “We believe the schools need a lot of work and reform. . . . We want it done through the LEARN proposals.”


Critics of the voucher initiative contend that it would drain public schools of funding while giving a break to well-heeled parents whose children attend private schools.

Klasky said the Valley Industry and Commerce Assn., which represents 350 companies in the San Fernando Valley, encourages parental choice--but among public schools, such as now exists with the Los Angeles district’s specialized magnet schools. The LEARN reforms also embrace public school choice.

“Then you’re not taking public dollars to private and parochial institutions,” Klasky said.
