
TUSTIN : District Will Sell Vacant School Site

Two weeks after declaring the Red Hill Elementary School site as surplus, the Tustin Unified School District Board of Education has decided to auction off the 10-acre property.

The board unanimously approved the sale Monday, saying the money is needed to improve the district’s cash flow and renovate schools and other district facilities.

Supt. David Andrews said bids for the property would start at $2.9 million. The winner is to be announced Aug. 30.


The school board declared the Red Hill School site surplus property on June 14, reaffirming a board decision in 1987, which said the site was no longer needed. The school at 11911 Red Hill Ave. was closed as an elementary school in 1978.

Several residents, however, have protested the decision to declare the property surplus because they said the school may be needed in the future.

Also declared surplus on a recommendation by a citizens’ panel were the Guin Foss Elementary School site, which has been closed since 1982, and the district administration center.


Assistant Supt. Hollis Griffin said several companies have shown interest in buying the Red Hill school site. He said the bidding will be held this summer during a meeting of the school board.
