
SAN FERNANDO : General Plan Altered for School Expansion

A change to San Fernando’s General Plan to allow the expansion of Morningside Elementary School on three neighboring commercial and residential properties has been approved by the San Fernando Planning Commission.

At a hearing Tuesday, one person spoke in favor of the expansion project, which calls for construction of a new 14-classroom building and an underground parking garage to relieve overcrowding at the 1,150-student school.

Lynn Roberts, a facilities project director for the Los Angeles Unified School District, said the $6.5-million construction project is the only one funded in the east San Fernando Valley from money made available by the sale of state general obligation bonds. The bonds were approved by voters last year.


“We’ve been waiting for funding for this thing for a long time,” said Roberts, who said the project was proposed in 1986.

The district has purchased one home and is buying a second residence and the former San Fernando Woman’s Club building for the expansion. The properties, which make up about half an acre, are next to the campus along Morningside Court and Maclay Avenue.

The three properties would be designated for public use under the General Plan change, which needs final approval by the San Fernando City Council.
