
Pop Album Chart : Rod Stewart Plugs Into a Winner

Veteran rocker Rod Stewart plugged into the lucrative unplugged scene, with impressive results. His “Unplugged . . . and Seated”--a collection of oldies done in a club-like studio setting--premiered on the pop album chart at No. 2. Fans eagerly awaited the album because of the success of its first single, “Have I Told You Lately”--No. 9 on the pop singles chart. Anthrax’s move toward the mainstream on “Sound of White Noise” has paid off so far, with the hard-rock band’s album entering the chart at No. 7.

Rank Rank 2 Weeks Last Weeks on the Week Ago Chart 1. “janet.,” Janet Jackson 1 -- 2 2. “Unplugged...and Seated,” Rod Stewart -- -- 1 3. “The Bodyguard,” soundtrack 2 1 28 4. “Breathless,” Kenny G 5 3 28 5. “Pocket Full of Kryptonite,” Spin Doctors 4 4 50 6. “Get a Grip,” Aerosmith 3 2 6 7. “Sound of White Noise,” Anthrax -- -- 1 8. “The Chronic,” Dr. Dre 7 6 24 9. “It’s About Time,” SWV 8 8 21 10. “Kamakiriad,” Donald Fagen -- -- 1 * “Menace II Society,” soundtrack -- -- 1

* The soundtrack from this acclaimed but violent new film about ghetto youngsters got off to a fast start, jumping onto the chart at No. 21. The movie did respectable business its opening weekend and is a potential hit, which would further help the soundtrack.


Source: Billboard/Soundscan
