
A Store for the PC-Impaired

Associated Press

For the politically correct, The Right Stuff is the wrong stuff. For the politically incorrect, it’s perfect.

The mail-order business sells merchandise ranging from Attila the Hun neckties and Contra Coffee to T-shirts, bumper stickers and buttons, including one that proclaims, “I Love Animals . . . They’re Delicious.”

Dennis Hoffman started the business 15 months ago, “definitely in response to the PC movement.”


Hoffman, who does public relations and advertising for conservative public policy organizations, said he shopped at a politically correct store because he thought its merchandise was funny.

“I realized there was nobody doing this from the right, so I decided to do it from the politically incorrect view,” he said. “People are tired of being told by the yuppie elite that what they believe and think is somehow wrong.”

The company has been criticized by a feminist organization, a congressman who tried to keep The Right Stuff’s stuff off Capitol Hill, and Hoffman’s girlfriend, “who calls herself a liberal,” Hoffman said.


But that’s all part of the business, which Hoffman said is booming.

The Right Stuff’s sales have quadrupled since President Clinton took office, and the slogans “Impeach Hillary” and “Don’t blame me, I voted for Bush-Quayle” have been added to the line, Hoffman said.

Hoffman and his partner, Geoffrey Fosdick, hope to open their own store.
