
Compton : Council Meeting Canceled for Second Week in a Row

For the second time in two weeks, the Compton City Council was forced to cancel its scheduled weekly meeting for lack of a quorum. By law, at least three council members must be present to hold a meeting.

This week, Councilwomen Bernice Woods and Jane D. Robbins were absent. Although no official reason was given for their absence, both women have been spending much of their time lately caring for ill husbands. The meeting last week was canceled because council members Woods, Patricia A. Moore and Omar Bradley were in Sacramento protesting the state’s plans to dip into city property revenues to make up shortfalls in the education budget.

The meeting scheduled for next Tuesday also is likely to be called off because of runoff elections that day for mayor, two council seats and city treasurer, said City Manager Howard Caldwell. The council has been short one member since January, when former Mayor Walter R. Tucker III resigned after being elected to Congress.
