
School Quid Pro Quo ‘Is Just Not Done’

From my experience, your April 11 article, “Tricks of the Trade,” was incorrect when stating that in “sought-after” private schools, fund raising is linked to the admission process.

For over 20 years I worked in three of this city’s most prestigious independent high schools as a development director, a capital campaign director and a fund-raising consultant. In these schools and in countless others of which I am aware, it would be unthinkable and considered highly unethical to accept any kind of a gift (or promise of a gift) prior to students’ legitimate acceptance to that institution.

I have known of many children of “big money” in this city who were rejected because they could not qualify for the school academically.


I assure you, at least in the fine schools with which I have been associated, accepting anything of value for the purpose of admission is just not done.

