
3 Killed, 1 Hurt in Head-On Car Crash Near Fillmore


Three people were killed Saturday when a driver lost control of his car on California 126 near Fillmore and slammed head-on into another vehicle, authorities said.

Killed in the accident were Lucien West Shaw, 83, and his wife Beatrice, 82, both of Lake Forest in Orange County. Greg D. Buck, 28, of Northridge, who was driving the other car, also died in the accident. His wife, Jennifer, 21, suffered broken ribs and other injuries in the collision and was in intensive care at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital in Valencia, authorities said.

The accident occurred at about 11 a.m. when Shaw, who was driving a white Buick heading west, swerved across the double line into eastbound traffic and slammed into a Datsun ZX carrying the Bucks, the CHP said.


Witnesses said Shaw tried to move back into his lane but while doing so struck the Bucks’ car, the CHP said.

Both drivers were pinned in their vehicles and died instantly of massive blood trauma and other injuries, Senior Deputy Coroner Craig Stevens said.

Beatrice Shaw was taken to Santa Paula Memorial Hospital, where she was pronounced dead shortly after noon, authorities said.


Jennifer Buck was airlifted by a Ventura County sheriff’s helicopter to the Valencia hospital where she was in serious condition late Saturday, a nursing supervisor said.

Sugey Lizarraga, who works at a roadside fruit stand, saw the accident.

“We saw parts of the car fly by and then it got real quiet,” Lizarraga said.

The freeway was closed for two hours afterward, CHP officials said. An investigation into the cause of the accident was continuing, authorities said.

Times staff writer Sara Catania contributed to this story.
