
A popular West African folk tale will...

A popular West African folk tale will unfold in Redondo Beach this weekend when Jim Gamble Puppet Productions presents “Talk,” an Ashanti story that underscores the necessity of thoughtful communication in the world.

The show, to be presented twice Saturday and twice Sunday at the Perry Park Playhouse, features life-size rod puppets, with the puppeteers working in full view of the audience, amid fast-changing scenes and authentic music.

“ ‘Talk’ will hold the interest of the 12-year-old as well as the young child,” said Mary Flynn, head of Performing Arts for the City of Redondo Beach. “It is an exquisitely designed production, and beautifully performed.”


After the show, children may take part in the “Trash and Scrap” puppet-making workshops. There will be a materials charge of $1 per child. Also, Ghanaian dancers and drummers will perform. And an art display on loan from the Museum in Black in Los Angeles will offer children the chance to see and touch African crafts, sculpture, masks and drums.

What: “Talk,” a puppet show.

Where: Perry Park Playhouse, 2301 Grant Ave., Redondo Beach.

When: Saturday, 2 and 4 p.m.; Sunday, 2 and 4 p.m.

Tickets: $8 adults; $6 for children 12 and under; may be purchased today at Redondo Recreation Office, 320 Knobhill St., Redondo Beach, or at the door one hour before the show.

Information: (310) 318-0610.
