
Zeanah’s Agenda

Councilwoman Elois Zeanah should be ashamed of herself for attempting to use tax dollars to televise the activities of her political action group, Citizens Q of L Action Alliance.

Apparently, the councilwoman is unaware of the financial crisis devastating the state of California, its coun ties and cities. People are out of work, police officers and firefighters are being laid off and libraries are closing. To suggest the expenditure of public funds for such an obvious campaign of self-promotion and aggrandizement is the height of arrogance and impropriety.

It should come as no surprise to city residents that Zeanah is up for reelection in little over a year or that her political protege on the council, Jaime Zukowski, wholeheartedly supported this sham. I applaud Mayor Judy Lazar and councilmen Frank Schillo and Alex Fiore for standing up to this blatant form of political chicanery.



Administrative Assistant

County of Ventura
