
USC, UCLA Caught in Cross-Fire Again

Pamela Warrick’s Topic A column “Cross-Town Cross-Fire” on Nov. 16 makes some interesting comparisons of USC and UCLA.

Her quote of Red Sanders, (referring to the USC-UCLA Game)--”It is not a matter of life and death, it is a little more important than that”--has been attributed to every famous coach there has ever been.

Some more significant comparisons of the two schools might include the following.

A publication containing information covering all the universities in the United States intended for the guidance of prospective students states that, generally, 50% of entering freshmen at USC come from the lower half of their high school classes. By UC requirements, 85% of the entering freshmen at UCLA come from the upper 12% of their classes.


It would be interesting to determine which of the two campuses has more Noble Laureates and Fulbright scholars. Anyone want to make a bet?


Laguna Hills
