

Talk about your mixed-up, can’t-make-up-their-own-mind bettors (“Ears,” by William Murray, Nov. 1)! This guy Bender would start off by buying the racing form, making his selections, going to the track and seeking out old cronies to see who they thought was going to win the race. He even had touts seek him out and take it upon themselves to give him free advice. By the time Bender got up to the betting window, he was such a basket case he didn’t know whether he was coming or going.

I wonder, when Bender voted for President last month, did he tap the guy next to him on the shoulder and ask whom he was voting for?

I’d hate to take Bender to Baskin-Robbins. First, he’d probably order a pint of vanilla. Then someone would tell him that chocolate is better. He’d probably leave the place with all 31 flavors in hand.



North Hollywood
