Illegal Aliens
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The Commentary piece by Sergio Munoz (Nov. 12) and your editorial (Nov. 11) concerning the negative fiscal and social impact of illegal immigration were sterling examples of biased journalism based on misleading information.
The concerns I expressed after reviewing the exhaustive study authorized unanimously by the Board of Supervisors and conducted by the county’s Department of Internal Services were directed toward undocumented aliens and not toward legal immigrants, who are treasured assets to our county and our nation.
The cost to the taxpayers in social services, education, law enforcement and health services for illegal aliens comes to more than $1.4 billion per year. While there is some evidence that the undocumented contribute about $900 million in taxes to federal and state coffers, the $4.8 billion cited in your editorial confused the issue by including legal immigrants. The only relief county taxpayers get from the $900 million tax contributions from the undocumented is an estimated $36 million.
To resolve the problems of illegal immigration, I urge residents to contact their congressmen to adopt these proposals:
Design tamper-proof green cards; expedite the deportation of illegal alien criminals following the completion of their prison terms; immediate deportation of illegal aliens when they are apprehended during illegal entry; increase the Border Patrol; establish a Border Patrol Reserve component; authorize National Guard forces to assist the Immigration and Naturalization Service; develop a work-permit process to allow the legal entry of workers who are needed on a temporary or seasonal basis; reimbursement by the federal government to the county for the public cost attributable to undocumented aliens, and transfer illegal alien criminals from county facilities to federal detention facilities.
Supervisor, Fifth District