
Whitney’s Woes

Regarding “ ‘How Famous Can You Be?,’ ” Hilary de Vries’ profile of Whitney Houston (Nov. 22):

Spike Lee is right. Publications such as The Times should either send knowledgeable black writers to write about black subjects or, at the very least, have writers do some reporting before they make sweeping statements about things they know nothing about.

If some observers think some black people don’t like Houston because she can’t sing, then they must think black folks in general have tin ears. (Houston most certainly can blow.)


Houston got on the wrong side of me and many others not because she is untalented, but because of that catty, uncalled-for, very public remark she made about Anita Baker during the Grammy presentations a few years back when Baker was picking up her awards for the album “Rapture.”

Baker is revered among may African-Americans as gracious, classy and one who wears her fame and talent well. Houston, on the other hand, comes off like someone else (Diana Ross) who acts like she doesn’t have any home training.


Long Beach
