
Heed Votes of Task Forces

Before spending time, effort and taxpayer funds on Supervisor Maggie Kildee’s Santa Clara Valley Task Force, one should look at another task force formed under the supervisor’s tutelage, the Ventura County Landscape Task Force. It took two years of meetings to hammer out the compromise between sod producers, water-use experts, landscape contractors, interested citizens, environmentalists and county staff.

On Oct. 6, senior county staff members overruled the task force and submitted their own, more restrictive recommendations for approval. Without discussion or explanation, Supervisor Kildee voted for the ordinance submitted by staff instead of the task force. Only Chairman John Flynn voted against the measure presented by the staff.

The pattern is all too familiar. Public input is not seriously considered if it doesn’t meet senior staff approval.


I suggest that the potential members of the task force obtain a memorandum of understanding or resolution from the Board of Supervisors stating that the recommendations proposed by the task force are to be presented by staff to the board for approval. It should be clear from the onset that the task force is engaged in meaningful work.


Santa Paula
