
Proposition 167

Props. 166 and 167 are a double disaster for California! These two propositions could seriously damage California’s already weak economy by driving businesses out of the state!

Prop. 166 is the California Medical Assn.’s solution to health care reform by requiring all employers to provide health insurance to specified employees and their dependents. As a health insurance agent, I see no provisions to control costs, which is the very root of the problem. Nor does it address coverage for the unemployed; others still would lack affordable care. We do need health insurance and medical cost reforms. In fact, the state recently passed laws that are a step in the right direction. True reforms will come from compromises made by all concerned parties, not by having one special interest impose its will on everyone else!

Prop. 167 would further burden businesses with huge tax increases. It contains more separate tax changes than any other measure in the history of California. It increases property taxes, taxes on small businesses, personal and corporate taxes and raises insurance taxes.


Ultimately, Props. 166 and 167 would cost California businesses billions each year, forcing them to raise prices, lay off workers or leave the state!


