
Truman Comparisons

Are we to understand that Bush is likening himself to Truman? If so, then for sure I would never vote for him.

My background is solid conservative Republican. Hence, President Truman (much less Bill Clinton) is hardly my type. He was a liberal Democrat and fired a great general, Douglas MacArthur, for trying to defeat communism in Asia. Since Bush’s business partners reside in Peking, can we not begin to see the connection?

Four years ago Bush lambasted Michael Dukakis for declaring himself a Truman liberal. Shouldn’t we now logically expect Bush to say he’s a staunch conservative Republican in the tradition of Robert Taft, Barry Goldwater or even President Ronald Reagan? No wonder he’s losing Orange County.


Bad move, George. Instead of trying to be a Democrat, you should be trying to win over right-wingers, who are fed up with 60 years of Democratic socialist rule.


West Los Angeles
