
SIMI VALLEY : Group Will Honor Gen. Colin Powell

Five representatives of the Simi Valley-based Freedom Tree organization are scheduled to fly to Washington, D.C., today to honor Gen. Colin Powell and to seek funding to expand the organization nationwide.

Randy Sundeen, president of the group, said the five-day trip will include discussions with U. S. Department of Agriculture officials regarding the availability of land and funding for tree-planting nationwide.

The nonprofit Freedom Tree organization was founded in 1991 with a goal of planting trees in honor of men and women who have served in the U. S. armed forces. The group has already planted 1,200 trees on a 16-mile trail along the Arroyo Simi and at two local parks.


During the visit to Washington, group members will present a Freedom Tree plaque to Powell at the Pentagon for his leadership during the Persian Gulf War.
