
Lakewood : Doctors Hospital Will Add $35-Million, 4-Story Wing

As part of a four-year, $35-million expansion project, Doctors Hospital of Lakewood is building a four-story, 67,000-square-foot addition to the existing hospital at 3700 E. South St. The addition will allow the hospital to add 23 newly licensed beds and restore 17 beds currently not in use, for a total of 185.

The addition also will provide a new eight-bed pediatric unit, a 23-bed orthopedic and neurological unit, and an eight-bed physical rehabilitation unit. Other plans call for adding private patient rooms, enlarging the existing obstetrics unit, and increasing outpatient services and emergency room facilities.

The project is expected to be completed during the summer of 1993. As part of the expansion project, the hospital already has constructed a three-story parking complex and opened a center for open-heart surgery.
