
High Life: A WEEKLY FORUM FOR HIGH SCHOOL STIDEMTS : Now Showing: Titles for Inspiring Minds

Inspiration can come from many sources, but there may be no greater shaper of feelings and opinions than the mass media.

Hot Topics asks, “What movie or book has made the biggest difference in your life? How so?”

“ ‘The Little Engine That Could’ inspired me. It showed me that anything was possible. After reading this book all by myself, I was motivated and excited.”


John Doe, 17,

senior, Los Amigos

“ ‘Dead Poets Society’ because it reminded me to be true to my beliefs and to continue to look at things from a different perspective.”

Eryn Murphy, 15,

sophomore, Santa Margarita

“ ‘Boyz N the Hood’ because it gave a real vision of what is actually going on in the ghettos.”

Dahrin Footman, 14,

freshman, Esperanza

“ ‘Beaches’ because it points out that there are other people in the world besides superstars and famous people that can be your heroes.”


Melinda Callaway, 15,

sophomore, La Habra

“ ‘Return to the Blue Lagoon’ because I fell in love right after that movie.”

Carl Corbin, 17,

junior, Los Alamitos

“ ‘Thelma & Louise’ because I won’t take any bull from guys anymore.”

Debby Boka, 16,

junior, St. Margaret’s

“ ‘The Cat in the Hat’ and ‘Green Eggs and Ham’ have given me insight into my convictions, and because Dr. Seuss is my friend and I miss him dearly.”

Jon Yong, 17,

senior, Valencia

“The Bible helped me shape my life and the way I feel toward other people.”

Gabriel Trebels, 15,

freshman, St. Michael’s Prep

“ ‘The Autobiography of Malcolm X’ because it opened my eyes to the problems of the world. It gave me convictions and goals to fight for.”

Paul Wu, 17,

senior, Woodbridge

“ ‘Wayne’s World’ shows us that we shouldn’t be so serious; there’s so much stress in our lives.”


Darin Rich, 15 ,

sophomore, Marina

“ ‘Top Gun’ made me want to accomplish something, like being a cameraman. I want to film the right stuff.”

Kenneth Ancheta, 16,

freshman, Los Amigos

“ ‘The Breakfast Club’ because it shows how everyone is their own person and you shouldn’t be afraid to show it.”

Kristen Urbanowski, 16,

junior, Santa Margarita

“ ‘Akira’ because it made me realize I wouldn’t want to have superpowers because of the defects and the way power can overwhelm you.”

Jeremy Bradley, 14,

freshman, Esperanza

“A book called ‘Animal Liberation’ by Peter Singer because it opened my eyes to the reality of the abuse of animals in our society and how I can help to liberate them.”

Mesha Isaacs, 16,

sophomore, La Habra

“ ‘Ghost’ because it made me wonder what or how life is after death.”

E.J. Baldonado, 16,

junior, Los Alamitos

“ ‘JFK’ because it shows how corrupt our government is.”

Jason Sholl, 14,

freshman, St. Margaret’s

“ ‘Glory’ because it opened my eyes about how whites treated and degraded blacks. It made me very angry, and I became pro-civil rights and really interested in the Civil War period.”

Jodi Kidd, 16,

junior, Valencia

“ ‘Monty Python and the Holy Grail’ is the movie that influenced me the most. The humor is what struck me.”


Akos Cvikmantori, 15,

freshman, St. Michael’s Prep

“ ‘The Boy Who Could Fly’ because it shows that if you try, you can do things.”

Clifford Vazquez, 15,

freshman, Woodbridge

“ ‘Anne of Green Gables’ (the book) because she is a romantic character. She dreams a lot about finding a kindred spirit, and I did.”

Olaina Gupta, 17,

senior, Marina

“ ‘Madonna Truth or Dare’ made me more manly.”

David Maw, 15,

freshman, Los Amigos

“ ‘Rocky’ because it is an American story of a man starting from the bottom and working his way to the top.”

Mike Moodian, 15,

sophomore, Santa Margarita

“ ‘A Separate Peace’ because it deals with life and growing up.”

Amanda Vescatel, 14,

freshman, Esperanza

“The movie ‘Radio Flyer’ because it influenced me to be nicer to my brother.”

Selene Garcia, 15,

freshman, La Habra

“Margaret Atwood’s ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ has been the most influential novel I have read, because the book paints a picture of a fascist society. . . . This book shows the sad state of affairs in the world today.”

Leanne Harvey, 17,

senior, Los Alamitos

“ ‘Bull Durham’ because it shows how unglamorous and rough minor league baseball is.”

Joey Powell, 15,

sophomore, St. Margaret’s

“ ‘The Sound of Music’ because it opened my eyes to music and I fell in love with Julie Andrews when I was 8.”

Huey Gang, 17,

senior, Valencia

“ ‘Back to the Future’ influenced me because it showed me the significance of every action I take in every minute of every day.”

Alfonso Pena, 14,

freshman, St. Michael’s Prep

“ ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ because it’s one of the few books that is easy to understand and makes a good point.”


Mamata Kene, 16,

junior, Woodbridge

“ ‘1984’ because (George) Orwell, the author, gave me a neat perspective of life under a government based on stability.”

Tom Hamilton, 15,

freshman, Santa Margarita

“ ‘Caddyshack’ because it was such a comedic film, it changed the way I look at Chevy Chase.”

Charis Hecht, 16,

sophomore, Los Alamitos

“ ‘Les Miserables,’ the musical, because it’s very sad and I like to be sad.”

Debi Pian, 17,

senior, Valencia

Next Week’s Hot Topic:

What was your worst date disaster?

Responses gathered by Jennifer Leuer (Esperanza), Elaine Ust (La Habra), Trisha Ginsburg (Los Alamitos), Todd Leibensperger (Los Amigos), Gail Altman (Marina), Brooke Lyons (St. Margaret’s), Joseph Russell (St. Michael’s Prep), Katie Elftmann (Santa Margarita), Laura Kim (Valencia) and Cheherazad Elavia (Woodbridge).
