
Condoms at High Schools

Is anybody asking the questions: How did we get here? Why?

So we’re giving out condoms in our high schools now, and yet we don’t dare mention the name of God. Who even remembers that it was on his principles that our original schools were founded? Certainly not our “New Age” role models promoting self-gratification and relativism. We can hardly view a movie or TV show that doesn’t promote adultery and promiscuous sex, never bothering to present the devastating consequences of ruined lives and families, to say nothing of deadly diseases. No, we don’t dare stifle human desires and passions by impressing on our children God’s laws and truth. You mean one of God’s Ten Commandments actually says, “Thou shall not commit adultery”? How narrow-minded of him!

History shows that every civilization in which the creative energies of people were dissipated by sexual promiscuity, drunkenness and godlessness has quickly declined. Without absolutes, trust, fidelity and discipline families fail and nations fail.

What can we do to stop the lies being fed to our children and grandchildren?

LYNNE HANSEN, Huntington Beach
