
Deployment of LAPD Officers

The article stated that five full-time Traffic Safety Unit officers are used to pass out pamphlets at two fairs each year and that one officer has done nothing but paint murals during the past year. This article is an example of biased news reporting. During the past year, our TSU has worked hard to educate the public on traffic safety issues. During 1991, the staff of the Traffic Safety Unit made the following contributions to public safety:

--Conducted ongoing traffic safety public service announcements on over 35 radio and TV stations.

--Developed a weekly one-hour talk show on radio station KALI to promote public awareness of traffic safety in the Latino community.


--Conducted roll call training sessions for all LAPD divisions on the importance of wearing seat belts.

--Conducted traffic safety presentations during driver education classes at every city high school, plus many parochial high schools.

--Conducted driver safety classes for employees at 45 major businesses.

--Presented 146 traffic safety seminars at colleges, shopping malls and safety fairs.

--Displayed and staffed the traffic safety trailer at 42 community events.

--Chaired or provided major administrative assistance to nine different community traffic safety coalitions.


--Painted a DARE mural, a buckle-up mural and a designated-driver mural to promote public awareness of traffic safety and narcotic-related concerns.

While the effectiveness of these types of functions is hard to measure, the Office of Traffic Safety recently reported that seat belt usage by California motorists has now exceeded 70%. In 1991, we saw the greatest decrease in traffic fatalities in Los Angeles in over 12 years.


Officer in Charge, Traffic Safety Unit

