
The Health-Care Heist

So, the politicians are at it again! They want to steal more of your paycheck to fund a nationalized health scheme.

Sure, everyone likes a freebie, something for nothing.

But the cold, hard reality of national health (care) is a lower standard of living for every taxpayer.

The clowns in Washington will skim off the earnings of every middle-class American to pour down the black hole of a callous bureaucracy. Health care will be rationed by delays and death, cutbacks and strikes.


The current Medi-Cal system is an open sore. Medicare is going down the same toilet.

These U.S. experiments in socialized health care are proving unfundable, requiring more and more taxes to feed.

Nationalized health (care) will not staunch the red ink.

Canada’s overflow comes to the United States to get around the backlogs and waiting lists for cardiac bypasses before the patients die under the glorious Canadian socialized system.

The British have just passed a law reducing waiting time for a hospital bed to two years!

Yes, nationalized medicine is free. And, yes, socialized medicine stinks.


Corona del Mar
