
Minority Opportunity

I thank Susan King for the “Faces . . .” article (“ ‘Strictly Business’? No, Johnson Can’t Wait to Break for Tee Time,” Calendar, Nov. 9). We had a very pleasant conversation when she interviewed me by telephone while I was on location in Conyers, Ga.

While I have had many positive responses from the article, I would like to clarify one point that might be misinterpreted by some readers.

Meg Ryan and Demi Moore are qualified actresses, and I mentioned them only to illustrate a point. The point that must be raised is that minority actresses, equally qualified, are not offered the opportunity to prove their craft due to the lack of scripts offered them. It has been proved that there is viewer interest and that actresses of color can carry a major motion picture. However, many changes have to be made in the industry, such as story line, casting and producing.


I want to apologize for any misconceptions caused by my statements.


Conyers, Ga.
