
Whittier : Rebates Offered for Change to Ultra-Low-Flow Toilets

Whittier has become the first city in the region to sign up for a program that offers $100 rebates to homeowners who switch to water-saving toilets. Whittier water customers can get the rebate simply by installing “ultra-low-flow” toilets and calling a rebate hot line at (213) 523-1060.

The ultra-low-flow toilets use 1.5 gallons per flush, compared to 6 gallons for a standard toilet and 3 gallons for ordinary low-flow models. Local water authorities and the Metropolitan Water District are sponsoring the rebate plan in conjunction with cities and private water purveyors who want to participate.

The Central Basin and West Basin municipal water districts contribute $75 of the rebate per toilet. The local water purveyor must chip in the remaining $25 for a rebate and pay $10 per commode to cover administrative costs.


A number of private water companies already are participating in the rebate program, and water customers should call the hot line to see if they qualify, water district coordinator Dave Hill said.

Whittier joined the program last week when council members allocated $10,000 for the rebate plan. Staff members said 200 water-saving toilets would save about 850,000 gallons of water a year.
