
Vacation Investment

I’m writing in reply to Robert J. Bruss’ comments (Real Estate Q&A;, “Is Vacation Home a Good Investment?” Sept. 15). I operate a vacation home rental service and, although I cannot generate enough income to offset all the expenses and debt service of my clients’ vacation homes, I do provide significant yearly net income amounts for them.

Certainly enough income to make their purchase a fairly good investment when it is realized that (1) they have the property available for use by their family, friends and associates for about 75% of the time, and (2) based on past history for a rather long period, they will realize significant appreciation over a period of years, not unlike real estate appreciation rates experienced in Southern California since the 1940s.

Given the right purchases at the right time, they can do very well over a short time, but certainly over a holding period of five to 10 years.


