
Pico Homeowners Getting Short End

We read with great interest your advertising-drenched story on the opening of the Westside Pavilion’s new annex.

Unfortunately, some important impacts to the immediately adjacent single-family homes were left out of the story and need to be told now.

Once again, homeowners both north and south of Pico Boulevard have been given the short end in the form of the Double LL Treatment--Lousy Lighting and Limited Landscaping.


Until the full neon light scheme was turned on in the last few days, little did the residents north of Pico know how horrendous the spillover effect would be on their homes and lives. This nighttime neon is a carnival midway and totally inappropriate to the character of the surrounding neighborhood. It needs to be turned off, down, shielded, screened, changed--immediately if not sooner.

The limited and pitiful excuses for landscaping along Ayres Avenue are an insult to our residents. This was to be a buffered area to screen out not only the view of the building, but also the noise of cars going to the 1,000 parking spaces, and help the environment by absorbing the carbon dioxide of their exhaust. So far, a few low-growing shrubs and far-apart deciduous trees don’t do it.

Come on Westfield! Do a little better. Be a good neighbor.



Los Angeles
