
The Mellower Mailer Is Not Appreciated

In “The Mellower Mailer” (Oct. 3), Norman Mailer stated, “Americans have been hung up on the fight with Communism for so long, they failed to realize that Soviets are humane vulnerable people who are more obsessed with the moral consequences of their actions than the average U. S. citizen.”

There are millions of people in Eastern Europe, many of whom are Jewish, who are so thankful that the American people were hung up on Communism.

The average American citizen has enough common sense and intelligence to know that we were fighting the evil, repressive dictators of the Kremlin and not the people who were forced to live behind the Iron Curtain.


Norman Mailer is a one-book author (“The Naked and the Dead”). The rest of his work has never equaled or surpassed that novel. He was fortunate to have become a darling of the liberal left Pulitzer Prize Committee.


