
Catholic Policy on AIDS Programs

In response to “Catholic Policy on AIDS Programs: Acts of War or Love?” Religion, Oct. 5:

Can there be anyone who read the two articles who failed to notice a drastic difference in tone? The first commentary by Spencer Cox, ACT UP member, radiated anger, bitterness, inaccuracy, outright falsehood and blame. The blame consisted of crediting the spread of AIDS to the Catholic Church. This conclusion was reached due to the fact that the church teaches chastity for all people, homosexual and heterosexual.

Conversely, Cardinal Roger Mahony’s commentary projected warmth, caring and compassion--love for all. He emphasized the responsibility that all people have for the consequences of their behavior. Yet, even when the Catholic Church has been attacked and violated, the church teaches understanding and prayer. The church has no need to advise its congregations on condoms as the ACT UP members desire. These devices and their functions are well-known--and available--yet in a recent poll it was found that the majority of practicing homosexuals do not use them!

Why should anyone want to “Stop the Church,” which is reaching out actively to house and care for the very people who suffer from the consequences of this dire disease? “Church policy” doesn’t kill, as Cox alleges. Death from AIDS is caused by dangerous and irresponsible behavior.


