
SAN CLEMENTE : Police Seek Law to Punish Taxi Owners

Police here are urging the city to create a legal venue to punish taxi owners instead of cabdrivers who are stopped for vehicle violations.

Under the current taxi ordinance, police are limited to citing the cabdriver if the vehicle or the driver violates city laws. In serious cases, police turn the case over to the City Council, which has the authority to suspend or revoke the owner’s license.

Meanwhile, the driver could be on the street for up to 60 days before the case is reviewed. The violations, which range from charging passengers an unapproved rate to driving without a permit or insurance, occur about once or twice a month, police said.


“We need council to allow us, if the charge is serious enough, to not only take action against the driver, but at the same time hold the owner accountable,” said Police Lt. Hector Rivera.
