
Memories of Abuse

I am an attorney who represents adults who as children were sexually molested and wish to sue their offenders for civil damages. I was very interested in the article, “Unlocking the Secrets of Memory” (Oct. 3).

Your readers may be interested in knowing that effective the beginning of this year, the California Legislature has recognized by statute the concept of delayed memory. Under Section 340.1 Code of Civil Procedure, a victim of childhood sexual abuse, who is now an adult, may in some circumstances sue the offender. The statute also provides safeguards to prevent such lawsuits from being filed without any basis in fact.

I have represented adults in their 30s and 40s who have sued based on what happened when they were minors.


The statute has not been interpreted by the courts and there are still many questions as to its construction; however, it gives hope to many people who had their childhood crushed by the acts of adults seeking sexual pleasure from them.


Culver City
