
Amnesty International

Based on the Oct. 1 letters page, many people seem to misunderstand what Amnesty International is about. We are not just “helping nonviolent political or religious prisoners.” Our charter also requires us to work to guarantee fair trials, outlaw torture and its most extreme manifestation, execution, for everyone. It is simply not possible to conceive of a just world where someone (“terrorist” or not) can be subjected to military kangaroo courts, abductions, torture and incarceration without trial. Amnesty International does not determine guilt or innocence, or take sides on the type of government people should have--we defend the basic human rights of all citizens of the world. Government officials from presidents and military commanders to police chiefs and city council members get upset when we show up. That’s one way we know we’re still doing a good job.


Group Coordinator

Amnesty International Group 92

Granada Hills
