
2 Views on Proposed Card Casino

Editors note: On Oct. 22 South Gate voters will go to the polls to decide whether the city should allow the establishment of a card casino as part of a $60-million complex that also would include a hotel, restaurants and a health spa. The following letters discuss the ballot issue, Measure A.

The Committee to Protect South Gate is wrongly named. It should read: Committee to Corrupt and Bankrupt South Gate. They don’t tell you how long it is going to take to clear up that corner or how much it is going to cost. How much is it going to cost to clean up the toxic waste that has accumulated on this site? No mention has been made of the cost to the Redevelopment Agency for these properties they want to destroy. Neither do they say how long it will be before they see a penny from that site or how many people are going to be out of work in an already-overcrowded, unemployed population.

Anyone who watches television or reads the newspapers can tell you how long and costly a project like this will be. It will be 10 years and maybe longer before a penny profit is shown, if ever. Look at the lottery and all it promised for schools and, if anything, the schools are worse off than before. Promises are empty words. Take a look at all the car thefts, muggings and robberies we have in our city now. Look at other cities around who have casinos and all are in trouble. What makes them think this one will be different.


Think about it voters, before you say YES on Proposition A. Vote NO on A.


South Gate
