
San Diego

FBI agents and San Diego Police detectives Thursday arrested an unemployed painter after the robbery of a HomeFed Bank. He is also a suspect in six other San Diego bank holdups in September.

Ronald Willette, 36, was arrested in the 1200 block of Brookes Avenue in North Park at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, shortly after the HomeFed Bank at 3904 Park Blvd. was robbed, FBI officials said.

Willette is suspected of robbing a Union Bank on Camino del Mar in Del Mar Sept. 16; a Union Bank on 5th Avenue in San Diego Sept. 20; a HomeFed Bank on 30th Street in San Diego and a Union Bank on University Avenue on Sept. 25; and on Sept. 30, a Union Bank on Hill Street in Oceanside and a Bank of America on Highway 101 in Solana Beach.


Willette was in custody Friday at the Metropolitan Correctional Center. If convicted, he faces a minimum of 20 years in prison per robbery and a maximum fine of $250,000 for each for each theft.
