
OAK PARK : Report on Cityhood Sees No Obstacles

No significant obstacles stand in the way of Oak Park becoming Ventura County’s 11th city, according to a preliminary study released by the Oak Park Municipal Advisory Council.

The study results clear the way for the community to pursue incorporation, said Robert L. Braitman, executive officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission, which would have the final decision on whether the community may become a city.

However, more detailed research is required before any decision could be made on the matter, said a consultant with Arroyo Seco Associates Inc. of Pasadena, which conducted the study.


The preliminary study, which was ordered by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors earlier this summer, looked at the probable revenues and expenses for a city of Oak Park during a typical year, consultant Nicholas T. Conway said. It showed that the property taxes and other funds that would flow to the city would pay for services now provided by the county, including police protection and animal regulation.

A full-fledged incorporation study would determine whether the new city could support itself over a five-year period, Conway said.
