
Notes about your surroundings.

Running Grunion--The grunion will be running today through Tuesday and again Aug. 27 through 30 on area beaches, according to the state Department of Fish and Game.

Sandy beaches with few rocks are your best bet should you want to find the little gray fish that come ashore to spawn. The darker the beach the better, because the fish prefer to spawn in an unlit area.

Anyone 16 years or older must have a fishing license to catch grunion. Licenses are $21.50 and may be purchased at many sporting goods and bait and tackle shops.


You must catch the fish with your bare hands; taking them with nets, buckets or similar receptacles is not allowed.

Officials admonish that although there is no limit on how many grunion an individual may catch, you should not take more than you will be able to eat.

Here are the times for the runs:

* 10:55 tonight until 12:55 a.m. Monday

* 11:45 p.m. Monday until 1:45 a.m. Tuesday

* 12:35 p.m. Tuesday until 2:35 a.m. Wednesday

* 11:05 p.m. Aug. 27 to 1:05 a.m. Aug. 28

* 11:45 p.m. Aug. 28 to 1:45 a.m. Aug. 29

* 12:40 to 2:40 a.m. Aug. 30
