
Schools Are Right to Assess Property

I disagree with your editorial (“End Run on the School Playing Field,” July 7) criticizing school boards for imposing property tax assessments under the Street and Landscape Assessment Act of 1972. The Fountain Valley School District rejected a proposal to levy assessments under this act by a 4-1 vote.

I was the vote in favor of levying the assessments. These assessments are one of the few ways schools can raise funds that aren’t controlled by the state Legislature. To single out school districts for increasing taxes, while the federal government, state government, cities and counties have done it many times over is grossly unfair.

Fountain Valley’s teachers have not received a salary increase in two years. Our classes are overcrowded. We have had to cut many needed programs over the years because the Legislature has held schools political hostage in recent budget battles. Seeing this, I could not in good conscience vote against a proposal which would bring in needed funds.


Schools are the best investment taxpayers can make. The proposed assessment of $25 per year could have reduced class size, increased student programs and helped retain and pay for quality teachers. Our district has begun an ambitious program to bring in needed funds by selling surplus school sites. But funds from this program are at least two years away and we don’t know just how much revenue will be available. Our schools need help now.

School districts that levy these assessments have decided that a quality school system is more important than a low tax rate!

ROBERT SEDLAK, Trustee, Fountain Valley School District
