
Bacharach Opponents Promoting ‘Big Lie’

Let’s compare the Rancho Palos Verdes General Plan and Development Code with projects approved.

Consistently development in Rancho Palos Verdes has been below the density that could have been allowed. Hanging a nasty recall campaign on the ruse that Jacki Bacharach is pro-development is the Big Lie for sure. Jacki Bacharach can point to a voting record of always supporting the lowest density. She was also the only candidate in the last election that publicly committed to take no campaign contributions from developers doing business in our city.

Recall petitioners would have you believe their lies because they say them over and over again--even suggesting Jacki is somehow responsible for congestion on Palos Verdes Drive North in Rolling Hills Estates!


After some basic research, I found that Jacki has a public record of protecting the General Plan of our city, as well as speaking out for it over and over again.

Let’s stop the invective and stop the recall. Don’t sign the petition.


Rancho Palos Verdes
