
Holiday Closings

Today is Independence Day. The following will be closed in observance of the holiday: * All city, county, state and federal offices. City offices in Fountain Valley, Fullerton and Stanton will also be closed Friday. * County, state and federal courthouses. * City and county libraries. * Banks and savings and loans. * There will be no summer school classes today and school offices, including those at colleges and universities, will be closed. Many schools will also be closed Friday; call local school districts to confirm.

Mail: There will be no mail delivery today. All post offices will be closed, and mail deposited in mailboxes on that day will be picked up according to the posted holiday schedule.

Trash: There will be no trash pickup by city or county refuse workers today. Trash pickups will be a day late for the rest of the week in unincorporated areas of the county and in most cities, with the exceptions of Fullerton and Orange. In those cities, residents with trash pickup today should put their trash out Friday.


Buses: Orange County Transit District buses will run on the holiday schedule today. There will be no dial-a-ride or car-pool services available.

Parks: All city- and county-run parks and recreation facilities will be open during regular hours today.
