
Industrial-Strength Water

Industry is, along with residential and commercial / institutional users, one of the three players in water demand in Southern California. Compared to the other two sectors, though, industry has a minor role. For example, in none of the region’s six urbanized counties does industry consume more than 10% of all the water used. However, industrial water demand-from bottling plants, electronic equipment manufacturers, refineries, machine tool makers, etc.-during the next 20 years will differ dramatically in Southern California. In Orange County, it is projected to climb from 32,800 to 43,700 acre-feet per year-a 33% increase. That would still leave it at 6% of total water use. In neighboring counties, however, the numbers are much different. In Riverside County, for example, industrial sector demand will grow by 132%-the largest gain in the region. On the other hand, Los Angeles County will see a 3% decline. Here’s how the amount of water used by industry in Orange County is projected to change during the next 20 years compared to other Southern California counties:

1990-2010 Demand Change Los Angeles: -3% Orange: +33% Ventura: +47% San Diego: +61% San Bernardino: +105% Riverside: +132% Regionwide: +27% Source: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
