
San Gabriel : Hearing on High School Set

Whether the San Gabriel School District should have its own high school will be debated Wednesday at a meeting of the Los Angeles County Committee for School District Reorganization.

Many San Gabriel parents say they want their own high school in the district, which serves 3,155 students through junior high. Teen-agers then transfer to San Gabriel High School, which despite its name is in the Alhambra High School District.

Alhambra officials oppose the change, saying it would mean a loss of state funding and would increase segregation in their district.


If the unification plan is approved Wednesday, it goes before the State Board of Education for a vote. The state will also decide whether to put the measure on the ballot and which residents from the communities would be eligible to vote on the issue.

Wednesday’s meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. at the county Education Center, 9300 E. Imperial Highway, Downey.
