
ANAHEIM : City Moves Against Magnolia ‘Car Lot’

A section of Magnolia Avenue that neighbors say looks more like a used-car dealership than a thoroughfare will soon be off-limits to on-street parking.

Citing a growing number of complaints from property owners who said cars with “for sale” signs are congesting the area, code enforcement officials asked for the change.

Within one month, “No Parking Anytime” signs will be placed on the east side of Magnolia Avenue in the block just north of the Stanton city limits.


The parked vehicles with the “for sale” signs do not violate Anaheim’s city code, but officials said that a large number of those parked cars are an eyesore and that neighbors can request that the city make changes to have them removed.

Vehicles parked on Magnolia in violation of the new ordinance may be towed and the owners fined.
