
Property Owners Earn Tax Break

Property owners in the Garden Grove School District will pay 11% less in property taxes now that the district has repaid millions of dollars in state loans used to build schools between 1950 and 1980.

Now, for example, a person with a yearly property tax bill of $1,200 would pay about $134 less in taxes, said district spokesman Alan Trudell.

The loans paid for the construction of 48 schools and the district administration office and also allowed the district to buy land, portable classrooms and equipment, he said. At its peak in 1977, the loan debt reached $65 million.


The district funded the construction by borrowing from the state and also by financing projects with the sale of bonds approved by local voters. The debt incurred by bond sales should be repaid by 1994, Trudell said.

The Garden Grove School District covers most of Garden Grove and portions of Westminster, Santa, Ana, Fountain Valley, Stanton, Cypress and Anaheim.
