
SIMI VALLEY : Hearing Scheduled on Reagans’ Request

The Ventura County Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing on Ronald and Nancy Reagan’s request to be buried on the grounds of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library near Simi Valley, officials said Thursday.

The hearing will be held at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, June 20, in the Board of Supervisors’ meeting room at the County Government Center in Ventura, said County Planner John Bencomo.

The five-member Planning Commission may vote on the Reagans’ request immediately after the hearing, Bencomo said.


In March, the former President and his wife submitted an application to be buried next to one another in plots at the west end of the $60-million library, which is scheduled to open in November. A request was also made to sell food at the library and to extend operating hours so it can be used for lectures and meetings at night.
