
Controversy Over Gates, Bradley

The cartoon drawn by Conrad (“LAPD profile of a terrorist,” March 24) was disgusting.

Freedom of speech and expression should be practiced at all times in journalism, but condemning the entire LAPD is the same as yelling “fire” in a crowded theater. Conrad does have the right to make statements in his cartoons, but not the right to incite and foster hatred.

I have lived in Los Angeles all of my life and I have traveled extensively in the U.S. and abroad. I would not trade the LAPD for the police in only other city, state or country.

Certainly the beating incident was wrong and those responsible should answer for their actions.


Condemning the entire LAPD is the same as condemning on entire race for the actions of a few. With Conrad’s line of reasoning, all journalists should be condemned for the irresponsible actions of a few.

If Gates should go, so should Conrad.

HOWARD WOLLMAN, North Hollywood
