
CLIPBOARD : Medical Board Disciplinary Actions

Researched by: ELENA BRUNET / Los Angeles Times

The Medical Board of California, formerly known as the Board of Medical Quality Assurance, licenses physicians and other medical professionals. The board also investigates medical complaints and issues disciplinary actions. The most serious penalties include license revocation, suspension and probation.

Each decision becomes operative on the “effective date” unless a stay order is granted by a court upon the request of the licensee filing for judicial review, which may be after the preparation of a medical board report. Stay orders do not occur in “stipulated decisions,” which are negotiated settlements where further court appeals are waived.

Following are the Orange County medical professionals subject to serious disciplinary actions (broken down by specialties), according to two Medical Board Hot Sheets, monthly summaries of disciplinary actions, dated Jan. 10, 1990, and Feb. 8, 1990.



Howard M. Siegel, MD, Huntington Beach

License revoked, stayed, five years’ probation with terms and conditions. Stipulated decision effective Dec. 7, 1990.

Paul E. Gerhardt, MD, Buena Park

Voluntary surrender of license while charges pending. Stipulated decision effective Dec. 5, 1990.


Craig Phillip Ferrari, RCP, Garden Grove

License revoked. Default decision effective Jan. 27, 1991.


George A. Selleck, Ph.D., Fullerton

Voluntary surrender of license while charges are pending. Stipulated decision effective Jan. 25, 1991.


Note: Information about how to file a complaint may be obtained by calling the Medical Board of California’s Santa Ana office at (714) 558-4452.

Source: Medical Board of California
