
Con and Pro on Councilman Bernson

I have recently received some campaign literature from Councilman Bernson’s opponents. Talk about mud-slinging--just read their letters. The old saying certainly holds true here: “People in glass houses shouldn’t be throwing stones.”

Allow me to tell it like it really is.

We live in the 12th District and feel privileged to serve on a Citizens Advisory Committee in our area. We so-called “little people” are actively involved in reviewing applications for development and forwarding our recommendations to the councilman, who does listen to our concerns.

Do any of the opponents of Councilman Bernson mention all the positive things he has done and continues to do for us? How about the people whose homes he has saved when they were in jeopardy of being forced out, as the land they were on was in danger of being converted to other uses. How about his great regard for the elderly?

A lady I met who lives in the 12th District told me she didn’t like Mr. Bernson because she would like the Valley to be as it was in 1956 when she arrived here.


Well, let’s make her happy. Everyone who moved here after 1956 should be sent back to where they came from.

Our councilmen have been there for us when we needed them. They deserve our vote and full support.


Canoga Park
