
Forest Service’s Logging Policy

I read with interest your article about the U.S. Forest Service’s new policy of less logging and more ecology (“Forest Service Changing Image With New Policy,” Part A, Feb. 5). Those people who argue that this policy will result in not enough lumber being produced for our needs should look at our lumber export figures. Not all logging and milling jobs have been lost because of environmental concerns or mill automation.

In some cases, whole logs are being shipped to Japan, and in other cases, to mills with cheaper labor in Mexico. We are willing to sell our natural resources to countries that have already used theirs, plus give away jobs to other countries to process our timber.

Secondly, the new Forest Service policy makes no mention about eliminating the use of dangerous herbicides. Any plan which is going to address public concern about forest ecology needs to acknowledge the public’s desire for alternatives to herbicide spraying on public lands and watersheds.



Dana Point
