
Rationing People, Raising Water Bills

I strongly disagree with the two City Council members who propose to ban water hookups for new development.

Despite the massive construction slowdown, economists say California will continue growing during the 1990s at close to the same pace of the 1980s: more than 500,000 people per year.

Banning water hookups will make a bad situation worse.

Congestion will get worse as more and more people try to get into our existing housing and streets.


No new building means no new roads and no new housing to put the people in who are coming anyway.

No development also means the loss of development impact fees, yet we will still have the impact.

Overall, water rationing is obviously needed. But ration people, not buildings.

L. PAUL COOK, Topanga. Cook wrote as president of C.W. Cook Co. of west Los Angeles, a civil engineering and surveying company.
